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3. Balkan VW Bus Meeting in Turkey 2013

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13/12/2012 21:23 #98740 da Altug
3. Balkan VW Bus Meeting in Turkey 2013 è stato creato da Altug
Ciao Amici,

4. -7. July 2013 İğneada/Kırklareli / TÜRKEI


After the first Balkan Meeting in Greece in 2011 and the second in Bulgaria, the VW BUS Clubs of three countries are organising the 3. BALKAN VW BUS MEETING in 2013 this time in Igneada / Turkey.

After many national and international meetings in the passt years and the relations between the Clubs, IGNEADA was choosen for this international organisation. A turkish riviera directly on the Black sea, near to greek and bulgarian borders, also on a easy-to-reach position for other european visitors, Igneada seems to be the perfect location.

It will be a co-work of different VW Clubs of Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria in order to get as many participant as possible.

We also would like to point on the natural beauty of the area and put a sign AGAINST the nuclear reactor planed in Igneada.

We will inform you further and answer your questions as the organistaion details appear.

Start planing your trip for sommer 2013 !!!

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Altug Özsoydas from Istanbul, Turkey, Vw T3 Syncro...

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13/12/2012 23:52 #98750 da OSVALDINO
Risposta da OSVALDINO al topic 3. Balkan VW Bus Meeting in Turkey 2013
Cari Jokeristi, questo è il mio amico turco Altug Özsoydas, un vero appassionato che ho avuto il piacere di conoscere a Napoli qualche tempo fa. Attraverso il ns forum si fa portavoce del raduno che si terra' il prossimo anno questa volta in Igneada / Turchia. Siamo tutti invitati.....

OSVALDINO, 1600 TD, TETTO ALTO, 1985, ex furgonato IN FASE DI RESTAURO!!!

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14/12/2012 00:51 #98756 da ea
Risposta da ea al topic 3. Balkan VW Bus Meeting in Turkey 2013
Wow fantastico, ma non si sa ancora quando sara?, l'anno prossimo c'era una mezza idea di andare in turchia..

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14/12/2012 06:10 #98759 da BatDoG
Risposta da BatDoG al topic 3. Balkan VW Bus Meeting in Turkey 2013
lo scrive, dal 4 al 7 luglio, tutti in Turchia, io ci sto !

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15/12/2012 12:31 #98814 da RUV
Risposta da RUV al topic 3. Balkan VW Bus Meeting in Turkey 2013
Sarà senz'altro uno spettaccolo
Immagiono inoltre, se sarete in molti, lo spettacolo di caricare una nave di T3.
Sinceramente peccato, essere un po' indaffarato.
Ne avrei approfittato per aggiungerci un giro a zonzo.. :-((

... pazzi pur si vive ma senza il cuor si muore.

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15/12/2012 14:27 #98818 da ea
Risposta da ea al topic 3. Balkan VW Bus Meeting in Turkey 2013
azzo, mi sa che inizio luglio è un po troppo presto per me....

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11/02/2013 23:57 #102147 da AntoeBetta
Risposta da AntoeBetta al topic 3. Balkan VW Bus Meeting in Turkey 2013
Sarebbe uno spettacolo!!!
..peccato per il periodo: un po' troppo presto...

T3 "Rusta'Van" Club Joker 1.6 TD - Classe '85

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13/02/2013 16:05 #102257 da Fabio AOSTA T3
Risposta da Fabio AOSTA T3 al topic 3. Balkan VW Bus Meeting in Turkey 2013
e anche un pò distante ... ciao

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03/04/2013 14:55 #104861 da Altannn
Risposta da Altannn al topic 3. Balkan VW Bus Meeting in Turkey 2013

our web page is ready:


check in for infos and fill the form to join us...

anybody coming?

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03/04/2013 15:05 #104862 da Altannn
Risposta da Altannn al topic 3. Balkan VW Bus Meeting in Turkey 2013

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19/04/2013 13:51 #105594 da Altannn
Risposta da Altannn al topic 3. Balkan VW Bus Meeting in Turkey 2013

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28/06/2013 15:10 #108523 da Altannn
Risposta da Altannn al topic 3. Balkan VW Bus Meeting in Turkey 2013
here is the map:


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11/07/2013 00:03 #109011 da OSVALDINO
Risposta da OSVALDINO al topic 3. Balkan VW Bus Meeting in Turkey 2013
Any news?? Please post the photos!!!

OSVALDINO, 1600 TD, TETTO ALTO, 1985, ex furgonato IN FASE DI RESTAURO!!!

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11/07/2013 12:14 #109041 da Altannn
Risposta da Altannn al topic 3. Balkan VW Bus Meeting in Turkey 2013
We still on the north aegean tour
Ä° will post pictures when i m home

We were more than 250 vehicles.

There will be a lot of fotos. Don t worry

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11/07/2013 12:56 #109043 da Mauriziolot
Risposta da Mauriziolot al topic 3. Balkan VW Bus Meeting in Turkey 2013
Hi, Wow that is a lot of vehicles... I don't know if anyone coming back to our side of the wold will be in the need of "anything at all" but as an exchange of friendship, if any of the vehicles or crews will be by Brindisi or roundabouts (maybe from Igoumenitsa) looking for a place to park or just to drink a couple of "cold ones", please feel free to pass my contact to them... it will be a pleasure to meet with fellow t3 lovers... I wasn't ready for this one but, I will make sure to be present for the future ones... Visiting your beautiful country is in my "to do list". Best regards and wishes, Maurizio.

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